Former MLB Manager Bobby Valentine Keynotes The Jerome Orcutt Club Anniversary

Former MLB manager Bobby Valentine has made his home in Connecticut as the athletic director at Sacred Heart University. On November 30th, he will be speaking in the state at the Jerome Orcutt Club 130th anniversary celebration.

The event takes place at 6 p.m. at Ralph 'n' Rich's Restaurant. Individual tickets are $50 and they include, dinner, desert and two complimentary drinks. 

Valentine is sure to give an entertaining talk that crosses over from sports topics into life. In addition to his presentation, they will honor three former Boys Club members. 

Valentine got his first opportunity as a manager with the Texas Rangers from 1985-1992. He had the most success in his career with the New York Mets from 1996-2002. 

Valentine guided the Mets to the postseason twice, including a trip to the 2000 World Series. He also had two stints managing the Chiba Lotte Marines in Japan. 

Valentine has spent time working for ESPN as a baseball analyst. Prior to his coaching career, he played with four franchises over nine seasons. 

To inquire about Bobby Valentine's speaking fee and appearance cost, contact the agents at Athlete Speakers by calling us at 800-916-6008 or by Starting Your Booking Request Now

Bobby Valentine Talks About Flushing Mistakes:


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