Former NFL Running Back Joe Washington Speaks at Best of Arbuckle Preps Banquet

Before going on to NFL success, Joe Washington was a standout at the University of Oklahoma. Last Tuesday, he talked to the next generation of in-state sports stars. 

Washington was the keynote speaker for the Best of Arbuckle Preps banquet. He told many stories about his football career and some of the principles he has applied to his life. 

Washington also talked about the state of the NFL today and says he remains an avid football fan. In addition to his presentation, several awards were handed out across a variety of high school sports. 

At Oklahoma, Washington was part of two national championship teams. He was a two-time first-team All-American and is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. 

The San Diego Chargers made him the fourth overall pick in the 1976 NFL Draft. He went on to make the Pro Bowl with the Baltimore Colts in 1979, after collecting 884 rushing yards, 750 receiving yards and a league-leading 82 receptions. 

Washington played in two Super Bowls with the Washington Redskins and was named an All-Pro in 1981. He currently serves as a special assistant to the Oklahoma athletic director and the executive director of the Varsity O Association. 

To inquire about Joe Washington's speaking fee and appearance cost, contact the agents at Athlete Speakers by calling us at 800-916-6008 or by Starting Your Booking Request Now.

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