NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Speaks at New York Times DealBook Conference

The DealBook Conference hosts some of the top leaders and visionaries in the world. One speaker who was invited to the event on November 10th was NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

The event was hosted by the New York Times in New York City at the Jazz at Lincoln Center's Frederick P. Rose Hall. Each conversation was moderated by NYT Editor at Large and Columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin. 

Goodell spoke at 10 a.m. under the title, "The Long Play." The day included lunch and ended with a cocktail reception at 5 p.m. 

Since 2006, Goodell has been NFL commissioner. His tenure has been marked for significant advances in player safety and special attention paid to player discipline. 

Goodell has also guided the league through several initiatives to increase their global visibility. With skyrocketing revenues under his tenure, five new stadiums have been built. 

Goodell is an NFL lifer after beginning his career as an intern in their New York office in 1982. He rose to the level of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer before becoming commissioner. 

To inquire about Roger Goodell's speaking fee and appearance cost, contact the agents at Athlete Speakers by calling us at 800-916-6008 or by Starting Your Booking Request Now.

Roger Goodell Speaks at DealBook Conference:
