Former NFL player Jason Brown has a unique story to tell. Next month, he will talk about his journey as the keynote speaker at the Peoria Mayor's Prayer Breakfast.  The event will be held at 6:30 p.m. on September 21st at the Peoria Civic Center. Individual tickets are $35 and a table of... Read More

The Come to the Table Conference is being held in Durham, North Carolina on March 16th. The event brings together advocates for food, faith and farm to find resources for relieving hunger and options for sustainable agriculture in the state.  They are bringing in former NFL offensive lineman... Read More

Former NFL center Jason Brown has proven that there is more to life than football.  He was able to share his story and some inspirational words as a speaker at the National FFA Conference last week.  The conference was held in Indianapolis, Indiana October 19-22.  There were over 6... Read More
