Tobias Harris Opens Up About Mental Health From the POV of a Pro-Athlete

People everywhere, especially professional athletes, are subjected to pressure daily, regardless of who they are or what they do. However, there are methods to cope. Although the life of a professional athlete appears to be glamorous, and it is in many respects, there are certain drawbacks.

Being a basketball player requires you to be on the road all of the time, away from your family for extended periods, and have potential trades and public opinion to worry about. Many people aspire to be professional basketball players, but how many are genuinely prepared to take the pressure?

When personal stressors and regular emotions are added to the mix, life can become challenging. Thankfully, athletes like Tobias Harris, a starting forward for the Philadelphia 76ers, have worked hard to understand how to deal with the stress that comes with their job. Harris has spoken up about the importance of mental health in his line of work.

Professional athletes have always been stigmatized when it comes to mental health. Elite athletes could be "at an increased risk" for mental health issues like anxiety and depression, according to a 2021 study. Unfortunately, many athletes have been reluctant to admit or address the topic publicly.

“Whether somebody’s the wealthiest person or the poorest person, they each have different circumstances. They’re going through a different walk and a different battle,” Harris said. “I know me, in my own personal life, I had to learn to have compassion [for] all people in all different walks of life.”

However, gaining compassion, according to Harris, is merely a part of the process of understanding one's mental health. While openly discussing mental health has been taboo for years, recent celebrity statements about their struggles have had a positive impact. Many have been inspired to delve into and address their own emotional and mental health needs.

Harris goes on to explain, “I think being able to dive into mental health just opens up so many doors for us to figure out ways to improve ourselves as people. I think it’s amazing when a person can really sit back and understand how they can grow, how they can improve their own mental space and grow themselves. It’s huge.”

Mental health has become a popular topic of conversation for many people, including athletes, as a result of the pandemic. Harris believes that the need to normalize and share that awareness is essential.

“Hopefully we continue to push this message and continue to support each other and allow there to be an understanding and an opening for these types of dialogues and conversations through families, through kids, and [through] schools,” says Harris.

If you want to book Tobias Harris or another top mental health sports speaker, contact Athlete Speakers. Our agents will help you find the perfect fit that aligns with your budget. Fill out our Online Booking Request Form or call 800-916-6008 to get started today!


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